Everyday life with my 5 Blessings

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Favorite inventions

Here is a list of some of my favorite inventions at the moment.

#1. little radios with headphones ( Jeff can keep up with the Cubs and I don't have to hear it!!)
#2. sneakers with the backs not there ( I can just slip my feet in and not have to tie the laces every time!!)
#3. digital cameras ( I love taking pictures and so do the children!!)
#4. sound machines or noise maker ( It allows my children to all sleep in the same room, and not bother each other when they wake up in the morning.)
#5. cell phones ( I can call someone when I am out by myself and I am bored.)
#6. my washer and dryer ( Can't even imagine how hard my life would be without them.)
#7. portable DVD player ( I love being in a dark room, by myself, and watching the movie right there on my lap!!)
#8. pencils with liquid lead ( I have these for Daniel. He never has to spend half his school day breaking and sharpening his pencil point again. It seriously has saved our home school day!!)
#9. heating and air conditioning ( I like to be comfortable!!)
This last one is my absolute favorite new invention for 2007
#10. Ultra Downy with Febreze!!!!!! ( A summer staffer left a bottle of this WONDERFUL stuff and I got a hold of it. You all know how cheap I am. I am actually considering buying a bottle each month. This stuff really works. I soak my clothes in it for awhile before the washer spins it all out. I used it on one of Joel's blankets last week and it still smells good!! )

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Big day!

Today was a wonderful day. Jeff did not have to work this morning, so we all slept in. My mom called us at 9:00 and we talked for 66 minutes! I hadn't talked to her in a long time, so good to talk to her again. At about 10:30 this morning I remembered that we had a football game to go watch at 11:30. We watched the game and then headed to the Apple Festival Parade. This parade was the longest one I have ever seen, not counting The Macy Thanksgiving Parade. It lasted an hour and a half!!! We came home with sunburns and LOTS of candy!! After the parade, we went to the Mann's house and brought three of their children to our house for the evening. They are still here and everyone is having a great time.
I had a great day, but I really didn't get anything done. Maybe I will get those important things done next Saturday.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Things are going great here. This week has been a really good one! Everything is just as it should be. I wish every week could be this good.
The children are ALL doing very well at school. You have no idea how much easier my "job" is when they decide to do what they should. Their attitudes are so encouraging to me. I actually am not dreading school Monday morning!!!
The weather has been incrediable!! It has been sunny and beautiful outside all day!
Jeff and I are doing great. We usually are, but I am always thankful just the same.
The new Bible study I started last week is WONDERFUL!! Beth Moore has such a way to get us in the Word! I love her studies!!!
I am eating right again now that we are back from vacation. That always makes me happy!
My children are healthy again.
Last but not least, tomorrow is SATURDAY!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Picture of the day!!

I told you everyone in our house thinks he is adorable! I can't imagine after seeing this picture that you would disagree. (Don't tell me if you do!) I will just assume that you agree!

Tonight I went to Amy Bearden's house for an Arbonne party. It was so much fun. I don't remember laughing so hard in a very long time!! The laughter wasn't because of the products, it was totally because of the goofy ladies that came to the party!!! They were hilarious!! Arbonne is an all natural product line. The stuff is expensive, but it really seems to works. I didn't buy anything, but boy did I want to!!! There are a few things that I would love to try and see if they work for me!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

It has its avantages and its disadvantages

What am I talking about? My topic for tonight is.....being the baby in this family! Sometimes I think that Joel's life is utopia, other times I feel sorry for him.

1. He hardly ever has to walk anywhere. There is always someone picking him up and saying, "Hi, Buddy!"
2. He has an endless supply of entertainment. Never mind all the toys he has. He more enjoys his family playing with him.
3. I am so much more relaxed with him than I ever was with Lauren. And girl let me tell you, they are SO alike!! Lauren just laughs when he is at his worst, she sees her own sin nature through his.
4. Joel rarely gets a moment to himself.
5. He often has to hear my instructions repeated by three other people in a matter of seconds. This is no exaggeration!
ME- Joel hand me your cup.
(A pause of about two seconds) DANIEL- Joel hand Mommy your cup.
(Another pause...maybe three seconds) EMILY- Joel do you want Sissy to play with you? Hand Mommy your cup.
(no pause) AMY- Joel, Mommy wants you to give her your cup.
(Now it has been what....ten seconds since I first spoke. All eyes are on Joel.) ME- Okay ya' all, let me be the mommy! Joel give me your cup.
CRASH!! Yep, the cup lands on the floor. I guess he does not like so many people telling him what to do.
6. He always has someone to feel sorry for him, if he is crying. (Not usually me though.) I have an example from today. He fell and he started to cry. Amy immediately picked him up. He didn't stop crying, so Emily came over and reached for him. He went right to her. She walked him my way and he reached for me. I took him and tried to settle him down. He didn't stop crying until Daniel had held him for a few seconds. (The kid is good or that was a really bad fall!)
7. He has the chance to learn things so much faster than the rest did. He has so many examples to follow. He is very smart!
8. He doesn't have to wait for much. When I am busy, there are a bunch of other people that can meet his need.
9. He doesn't always get the sleep he needs. If he makes a peep, someone usually thinks that means he needs to get up!
10. Everybody in this house thinks that Joel is SO cute!!

All in all, I think it has its great advantages and its small disadvantages!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Why do I say these things?

I begged the Lord to keep us healthy through this vacation. Praise the Lord he did!! Not one sniffle the entire vacation. When we were about two hours from getting home Tuesday, I remember telling the Lord, "Okay, God if they need to be sick NOW they can get sick." Wouldn't you know it, Thursday morning Daniel woke up with a cough. By Thursday night, Joel and Daniel both had a cough and a fever!! I want to thank the Lord that we were not sick during vacation, but remind me people to never again say, "Now they can get sick!"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hi, from Buchanan!

We arrived home Tuesday afternoon, around 4:30. We had such great vacation. I was not ready to come home at all!! I have been very busy since I got home. I went grocery shopping last night and we started school again today. Yesterday I spent my day helping the Gordans and the Johnsons with clean up and sorting through donations. I was so glad to be able to help out, but I really wasn't able to do much. The insurance company is keeping them from doing much. Don't ask, I don't understand all the reasons.

Here are some vacation photos.

The first one was taken in the van while heading to Florida.

The next one was taken at Herdklotz Park in Greenville, SC.

This is Lauren in front of Laurens Rd.

These last pictures were taken at the beach and the zoo! Yes, Amy did go with us. She just didn't get in any of the pictures.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lots of action

Thursday we went to a hands on kids museum. We all had a blast!! Even Joel was playing with everything. There were two favorite parts for me. The first one was almost as soon as we entered. There was a table with a computer screen on it. Connected to the screen were two head bands that measured brain waves. There were chairs for two people to sit in. Each one sat on opposite sides of the table, with there head band on.. In between the players was a ball. There were markings on the table that the ball "moved" on. The object of the game was to relax. The more you relaxed the further the ball moved away from you toward your finish line. What ever finish line the ball crossed first, determined the winner. I should have expected this outcome, but our Daniel could NOT win!! I have always suspected that he could not be calm, but now it is confirmed. He was beat over and over again, and in record time!! My next favorite part was a camera that took my picture. After it took the picture, I could tweak it to make it look funny. I got a picture taken from my shoulders up, then I was trying to make it look funny. But I made it long and it actually looked GOOD. I looked thin and my hair was long and pretty. I wish I could actually look like that for real! It was fun to look pretty for even just a minute!

Friday we went to the Tampa Zoo. We had a very fun time out in the 92 degree sunshine. HA HA!! Actually poor Jeff looked as though he had been sprayed with a hose. He was sweating so badly! The rest of us did have fun even though we were hot. Our favorite part was the sprinkler section that the kids and I ran through!! Amy got soaked from her head to her toes. She was almost dry when we left the zoo an hour later. It was all in all a great time. Thanks Dad for all these memories that you allowed us to have.

Today we are leaving the hotel. We leave Bradenton EARLY tomorrow morning. We will be in Huntsville, AL Sunday night until early Tuesday morning. We should be home Tuesday night. I can't believe vacation is over already! When I get home, real life begins with a vengence. (school and cooking again) My two favorite things to do in all the world!! YUCK!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Beach fun?

I will start with the best part about the beach yesterday.
The gulf temperature was PERFECT!!!! I don't remember ever going and having it be so wonderful!
Okay, now I will write about the rest of our trip. All was going great, Jeff was holding Joel in his arms. The waves were strong, but he didn't think that they were to bad. WRONG! I guess a big one came in and hit Jeff. He didn't fall, but he jerked a little. Joel freaked out!! He refused to go back in the water. He wanted nothing to do with the water again. We spent the rest of the time there listening to Joel either fuss or SCREAM! I was sure that the beach security was going to come over and see if we were trying to kidnap Joel or something. He was honestly screaming that loud!!
I was so excited about getting some good pictures. I got two pictures, before my batteries died! I am usually more prepared, but not yesterday. Oh well.
The last bad news that I have is....my son Daniel, who is known for losing his shoes, lost them once again! He left them right there on the beach!! We weren't aware of the shoe loss until later when we were headed to the mall. We took a fast trip to a local Salvation Army and found him a replacement pair for the rest of vacation. Praise the Lord that we didn't have to buy him a brand new pair.
The rest of the day was uneventful.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Everyday seems to be about the same thing. We swim morning, noon, and night!!! Today we are skipping the pool and going to the Gulf. I will post pictures later.

(still don't want to come home yet)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hi, from Bradenton, FL!!

Wouldn't you know, we lost power and phone at home and I couldn't blog for almost a week. When I was able to blog again, I was way to busy packing for vacation. Then when I get to Florida, a computer was not easily accessible. Well I am SO excited!!! Here at our hotel is a computer right in the lobby that I can use anytime!!! I AM BACK!!

Here are some things that have happened since I last wrote....
1. Joel learned two new words. (I PROMISE NOT FROM ME) He now runs around when he is playing with his cars and yells,"DIE, DIE, DIE." It sounds more like diiieee! His next new word is MINE! He left Michigan saying just a hand full of words and now he is speaking hate and selfishness. How do they grow up so fast?
2. I missed seeing Emily Jennings in Greenville. She was there visiting her parents the same time that I would have been there if I had gone with Jeff to his mom's! Can you believe that? I am really bummed. That would have been fun!
3. Emily and I were given money to go on a shopping spree!! Sears was having a great sale, so I was able to buy a lot with my dad's money. Almost all clothing items in the ladies department was on sale for $4.99! I had a blast!! I also bought stuff from Bath and Body Works. They were having a buy one get one free sale.
4. We went to an aquarium.
5. I got to spend lots of extra time with my dad. So much nicer without all the children running around.
6. I still do not want to go back home yet!
7. We found something that Joel just loves to do. He loves to get chased by his PAPA. When we are out shopping, dad needs to use those power wheel chair things that are offered in most stores. Well Joel enjoys calling for PAPA and then dad "chases"him. It is very funny to watch.
8. My mother-in-law sent me some of her wonderful cake!! (Yes, we are sharing it with the kids)
I will write again later and if I can figure it out I will try to post some pictures.