For those of you who care, here is my list.
- Ragu spaghetti sauce (Traditional Flavor) and toast
- New Balance sneakers
- cream of wheat and vanilla ice cream (yes, together)
- soccer
- NPR radio
- Whoppers (the candy)
- rain (he loves to take long walks in it)
- Columbo (the old TV series)
- coach's whistle (he's a basketball coach)
- chopping wood
- gum and chips (he hates the sound people make with these two things)
- 66 (the year he was born....according to him THE GREATEST NUMBER)
- Vaseline (the man uses it for everything)
- water bottles (he often has one with him whenever out of the house)
- chess
- a Bic pen (he always has one of these in his pocket/ very resourceful kind of guy)
- ear plugs (because of issues like #12)
- opera music (he enjoys this stuff....I HATE IT!)
- Greenville, SC (birthplace and where we would LOVE to live someday)
- tennis balls
- Wrangler jeans (the ONLY kind he wears)
- mashed potatoes
- cream of chicken soup and LOTS of crackers (his comfort food)
- our daughter Lauren (she looks and thinks just like him)
- my wedding ring
I am sure I am missing a bunch of stuff, but I should stop for now.