Sunday, September 7, 2008

Why don't they believe me?

I have told my children, if they cut their own hair, they WILL regret it. She didn't believe me!

I have told my children, if they destroy something.....they will have to pay to get it fixed or replace the item! One of them did not believe me. I am in the process of making that child a believer REAL soon!! I am looking for a great seamstress that can fix this and the other cut that was made. If I can't get it fixed, then I get to go shopping with some money from my unbelieving child!!

I have told my dear husband that I should not be cutting his hair. He wouldn't believe me....until last night.

I would like to be fair in this post. My husband has been telling me for years that I would really like granola and yogurt. I did not believe him! Last week I finally weakened and had a taste. I absolutely love the stuff. After a week of eating it, I am so addicted to it...I can't wait for morning to come so that I can have my next bowl. I should have believed him!!!


Pegsy said...

That was a funny post! And thanks for being honest about your own unbelief!

E. Tyler Rowan said...

Oh dear! No, we should NEVER try to cut our own hair. Or that of our spouses, lol.

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS!!!! I loved the story...

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