God's hand
Dad past away on Saturday, June 27. The first sight of God's hand started on the Friday afternoon before Dad died. I have mentioned before that we live here on a camp. There were at least 23 different families here that week, but just the right family stopped outside my house that afternoon to discuss my dying roses. While we were talking, out of nowhere they mentioned that two of their family members would be flying out tomorrow and heading down to St. Pete/Clearwater on Allegiant Air for a conference. We started talking all about how that is the exact airport that I would be flying into in Aug. when I go down to see my dad. We laughed and talked a few minutes and then ended our conversation. I thought nothing of that conversation until about two hours after I found out about my dad's death. It was then that I realized....hey maybe I could fly down with them and they could get me to my dad's house. I ran up the hill and asked if they would be willing to get me to my dad's, if I could get a flight out with them. They were more than willing to get me to my dad's. All I had to do was get the ticket. I went to buy the ticket, but Allegiant was going to charge me A LOT!!!! I hung up the phone to go find Jeff and to find out what he thought that I should do. He wanted me to be able to go and not be worried about spending that much money. I just wasn't sure that I could do it. At the exact moment that Jeff and I were discussing the money, in walked the mom of the family that I would be flying with. She heard my concern about the money and left immediately. She returned no longer than 2 minutes later with her check book and wanted to pay for the ENTIRE flight!!!! I of course started to cry and then hurried back up to my house to make the reservations. When I called back God allowed me to talk to a different person who gave me a $100.00 discount on the ticket!!! I was so excited to be able to give that money back to that family. Thank you God.
My flight down was awesome. I got to sit next to this total stranger and his family. The man was very good at distracting me and keeping me in conversation the entire two hours. I learned a lot about him and he was so much like my dad. It was amazing to me the similarities between the two of them. The best part was yet to come though. Right before we got off the plane the gentleman said, "Hey, I never introduced myself. My name is Teddy." I started to laugh and cry and through my tears I said, "That was my dad's name!" God could have had me sit anywhere on that plane or had that family sit somewhere else, but he chose to have us sit together. I will cherish that seat assignment for as long as I live.
I was driven to my dad's that night. My dad's girlfriend lives right next door so I went to her house to get the keys to his house. She was not happy at all that I was there. She felt violated that I showed up. I really think that she thought that I came to take his stuff. I couldn't have cared less about taking his stuff I just wanted to be in his house with his stuff. I wanted to feel close to him, sleep in his bed, and just cry all night long, but she would not allow me to do it. I never fought, I just obeyed and said, "Okay" Then I went for a walk and prayed to my Heavenly Father. I begged God to change her heart....I so wanted to be in his house. When I returned from my walk I had a great idea. I asked her, if she would like to come over there and sleep in his house too. Her attitude changed immediately. She said, "Yes, I would like that." So that is what we did. Many other times that weekend when all I could do was pray, God changed attitudes!!! God was in control and He was just holding me through it all. I felt Him like never before.
There was only one thing that I wanted of my father's and it was a coin that he carried in his wallet. At one point I told Debi, his girlfriend, about wanting the coin. She informed me that she had already taken it. I was disappointed at first, but God came to the rescue once again. He brought to my memory something that I had seen years ago. Someone had made a quilt out of there son's Tshirts to remember him by. I immediately asked Debi for some of Dad's plaid shirts. She told me that I could have them ALL!!! I was so excited. That coin wouldn't have really been that special to me. Knowing me I probably would have lost it anyway, but the quilt...I will cherish forever. My mother-in-law is going to try to get it made for me by this Christmas!!
I so see God's hand in my timing of being there. I am not sure that Debi ever saw it, but I truly believe that she needed me there. We grieved together and I believe that we have a bond that we wouldn't have had other wise. I must admit it was very tough at times, but I am thankful for that time.
The last detail that God had to work out was finding me a ride back to the airport. I tried all my old high school friends, but nothing worked out. I was not worried, just fascinated to see how God was going to get this done. In the midst if this weekend I had an urgent question to be asked.....so I posted my question on Facebook. In my question I mentioned Bradenton, FL. I got a response back from one of my friends who lives right outside of Bradenton. I wrote back and asked her if there was any way that she could take me to the airport on Tuesday afternoon. I figured that she would have to work, but at least I should ask. Wouldn't you KNOW IT....she had Tuesday off this week and she was more than happy to take me!!!!
On Saturday I was worried that I would have a hard time leaving Dad's place, but after all I had been through.....coming home seem liked the only thing that I wanted to do!!! God's hand knew right were to take me....home safely to my family.
Judith, what an amazing account of God's love and grace and provision in your life! I totally cried when I read about the man named Teddy on the airplane. I'm so sad that you have gone through this loss in your life, but I'm glad that God has felt so very close to you. These are precious times with your Saviour. Sending hugs and love to you!
Pegsy, At
July 5, 2009 at 10:39 AM
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